14 accreditatie

Herpetology 3-daagse cursus

  8 oktober 2020  in UU-fD Utrecht en online

The aim of this course is to give you a better understanding of the anatomy and physiology as well as to train skills related to i.e. handling, clinical examination, husbandry and diseases of reptiles and amphibians.

Inschrijven voor dit evenement

Speker(s)/Docent(en): Organizers
Prof. Dr. Daniela Salvatori, DVM, PhD, Dipl ECVP
Dr. Claudia Wolschrijn, DVM, PhD
Myrte Huijskes, MSc
Jacobine Schouten, MSc
Dierenartsen-specialist voor reptielen en amfibieën
Dr. Marja Kik, DVM, PhD,
Dr. Ineke Westerhof, DVM, PhD
Job Stumpel, DVM

Data: The course will be given at the veterinary faculty on October 8,  November 4 and November 5.  These days have a 08:30 till 17:00 program with many opportunities to talk and hands on sessions with experts.
Tijdstip: 08:30 till 17:00

Programma: The first day will focus on the zoological aspects of herpetology, in which the diversity, the anatomy and physiology of several organ systems as well as evolutionary and developmental topics will be discussed. The aim is to provide a good overview of amphibian and reptile biology. At the end of the day you will be able to describe the anatomy and important physiological processes and the diversity of reptiles and amphibians in the wild and captive care.

During the second day, herpetology experts will teach you specialized skills, care and husbandry related to these animals. Anesthesia, chemical restraint and pain management will be central topics. Dedicated pathologists and clinicians will give you gross pathology and pathophysiologic insights into the diseases of reptiles and amphibians. You will be able to gain an increased understanding of the gross lesions, as well as the presenting clinical signs, pathogenetic mechanisms as well as the appropriate differential diagnosis for a wide range of diseases. Legal aspects and policy matters will be included.

You will benefit from interactive lectures, group assignments, practical’s and expert talks. We invite participants to present and discuss their own cases (day 2) or actively ask about the presentation of certain topics. Participants will receive a certificate after completion of the whole course.

The course will be taught in English.

Locatie: We are planning to organize this course at the Veterinary faculty in Utrecht  and  we offer this course via distance learning, online modules and webinars.

Kosten: € 380, including drinks and lunch on both days (students wil receive a 20% discount)

Doelgroep: This course is intended for professionals that work with reptiles and amphibians in the wild (conservation), zoos, captive care and research programs.

Belangrijke informatie:

8 oktober 2020
Accreditatie punten
14 punten
Interne diergeneeskunde
Diersoort overschrijdend