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Succesful Dairy Heifer Rearing: Feeding and Management

  24 september 2019  in Leeuwarden

Without todays knowledge, no successful dairy heifer rearing. The importance of good feeding strategies starting in the beginning of life, metabolic programming, health management, early rumen development, housing and up to date young stock economics are covered in this course.

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Without todays knowledge, no successful dairy heifer rearing. The importance of good feeding strategies starting in the beginning of life, metabolic programming, health management, early rumen development, housing and up to date young stock economics are covered in this course. These new insights regarding to successful feeding and management of calves and heifers are the foundation of a healthy sustainable production life. The programme also includes a practical
demonstration of the calf rearing system at the Dairy Campus.

Target audience

The course is specifcally designed for professionals working in the (international) dairy industry, for instance in the profession of nutritionist, researcher, technical support manager, veterinarian or consultant. Policy-makers or employees from governments are also welcome to join the course. 

Course deliverables

After completing the course, you are updated with the latest scientifc insights regarding dairy heifer rearing. Furthermore, you are able to add new knowledge to your feld of expertise and visited the Dutch Dairy Campus, the Dairy Campus is the expertise centre on dairy from Wageningen University & Research.


24 September 2019
Stage 1: pre-birth
Factor influencing embryo development and health pre-birth Prof. G. (Geert) Opsomer, Ghent University
Metabolic programming in prenatal and early postnatal life L (Leonel) Leal MSc, Trouw Nutrition
Stage 2: Feeding and management of pre-weaned calves (0-8 weeks)
Feeding milkreplacers and solid feeds during rumen development Prof. W.J.J. (Walter) Gerrits, Wageningen University & Research
How do rearing conditions affect calf behaviour and welfare? Dr. C.G. (Kees) van Reenen, Wageningen University &
Heifer health management form a veterinarian perspective Dr. R. (Ruurd) Jorritsma, Utrecht University, department of Farm Animal Health
Network drinks & Dinner

25 September 2019
Stage 3
Feeding during rearing Dr. J. (Jacob) Goelema, de Heus Animal Nutrition BV
Dairy campus: introduction dairy heifer rearing (including excursion) C.J.A.M. (Kees) de Koning, Dairy Campus, Wageningen
Livestock Research
Breeding and genetics: the basis for healthy and high productive cows Dr. M.P.L. (Mario) Calus, Wageningen Livestock Research
Animal health economics: the value of good rearing Prof. H. (Henk) Hogeveen, Wageningen University & Research
Heifer housing and feeding systems B. (Bertjan) Westerlaan, DVM, Vetvice


Dr. Dijkstra, Prof. Opsomer, Dr. Leal, Prof. Gerritsen, Dr. Van Reenen, Dr. Jorritsma, Dr. Goelema, Dr. Calus, Ing. De Koning, Prof. Hogeveen, Drs. Westerlaan


Professonals werkzaam in de melkveehouderij (HBO-WO niveau).

Datum / tijd

dinsdag 24 september en woensdag 25 september 2019 / 09:00 – 17:00 uur


Dairy Campus, Boksumerdyk 11, 8912 CA Leeuwarden (route plannen)


De accreditatiepunten zijn in aanvraag (voor het evenement in 2018 bedroeg het 11 punten)


Het cursusgeld bedraagt € 1195, – en is inclusief lesgeld, cursus materialen, koffie / thee / frisdranken, snacks, lunches, netwerkborrels en avondeten. Niet inbegrepen is een hotelaccommodatie.


Aanmelden kan door het invullen van het online formulier. Het maximum aantal deelnemers: 30


Bekijk de voorwaarden op de website.

Belangrijke informatie:

24 september 2019
Accreditatie punten
In aanvraag